Austria's submission for the Oscars (nominated, but lost to Departures) is one of those "what could go wrong" movies, where our unfortunate character(s) formulate a fool-proof plan to get rich quick only to have it backfire spectacularly (e.g., the sublime Before the Devil Knows You're Dead).
Whereas the latter film was a thriller, this one (like all European art-house films) takes a more meditative, still tone. Shots are paced slowly, but the story (thankfully) develops efficiently. And it may not be a thriller, it is still thrilling. Despite a few contrived scenes (mandatory, I must note, to establish a deeper drama), it is a solid film that alas, only those with a taste for "foreign" films will enjoy.
Whereas the latter film was a thriller, this one (like all European art-house films) takes a more meditative, still tone. Shots are paced slowly, but the story (thankfully) develops efficiently. And it may not be a thriller, it is still thrilling. Despite a few contrived scenes (mandatory, I must note, to establish a deeper drama), it is a solid film that alas, only those with a taste for "foreign" films will enjoy.
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